You need a robust and advanced method like SSH key-pair authorization to access, manage and control servers. The standard practice of using a username and password is highly insecure, unsafe, and ineffective. Protection from cyber-attacks is of crucial importance to streamline workflows and to ensure business continuity. Once formatted correctly, copy your key and proceed to step 4.Security is a prime consideration for server admins, especially when there is a need to access servers remotely at regular intervals. Correct format: ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABJQAAAQEAxznqQ5ic/ctZi1AKS6ysTYo+v3fsADTLupHqvvtgK0WfFtFYEvdAKjIz1abMXH5srFs6mqDJ56jxtxc9alBnINanKsnYmEzP3cdcJTREA/BUoShSonXN元pJs8dtJovldejw6QPB2S2Wnt4FfFOHidwilN15xbK3PrPqdGyqrmvMkqXRRABfosAzhdLa9t26P9lhcKhEIWmeQipWgjVyNPkkEraa7HkIPC04t8rjuMtBtHkZ0iv6SqU14d7pODcVR6/nPzm2SqTpDJ8LV8kx1v0ZHo1k2XYHd6jCB38ns0kjVbPPmFhwUDoLaZa6esKAnJ+SnAc3JExL7Mw1ZtfEjQ= rsa-key-20200519 Step 3.2 Copy your key

When correctly formatted, it will look like below. K3PrPqdGyqrmvMkqXRRABfosAzhdLa9t26P9lhcKhEIWmeQipWgjVyNPkkEraaħHkIPC04t8rjuMtBtHkZ0iv6SqU14d7pODcVR6/nPzm2SqTpDJ8LV8kx1v0ZHoġk2XYHd6jCB38ns0kjVbPPmFhwUDoLaZa6esKAnJ+SnAc3JExL7Mw1ZtfEjQ= HqvvtgK0WfFtFYEvdAKjIz1abMXH5srFs6mqDJ56jxtxc9alBnINanKsnYmEzPģcdcJTREA/BUoShSonXN元pJs8dtJovldejw6QPB2S2Wnt4FfFOHidwilN15xb This is incorrect and will not work: ssh-rsaĪAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABJQAAAQEAxznqQ5ic/ctZi1AKS6ysTYo+v3fsADTLup If there is an additional line above and/or below, remove those. Open your public.key with notepad and make sure it’s formatted it correctly:īe sure that it’s all formatted on one line like in the screenshot above, and NOT formatted like below, or your key will not work. We now need to copy the public key into your GridPane account. The private key is sensitive, never share it with anyone, and guard it on your machine. Last, click the Save private key button, and save that to a folder of your choice. The public key is what you’ll upload to GridPane, and doesn’t need to be guarded. NOTE: If changing the key comment, do not include spaces or special characters. Next, click save public key button and save it to a folder of your choice, and name it accordingly, OR copy and paste it into notepad from the box at the top – it begins with “ssh-rsa”. Save it to a folder of your choice and call it privateopenssh.key or a name of your choice. More than likely, you won’t need it, but it’s worth exporting it now. The OpenSSH key can be used on Linux workstations. Step 2.1 Convert to OpenSSHįirst, you want to click Conversions and select Export OpenSSH key, this is a private key.

If you don’t do a passphrase, it’ll log you right in with no prompt. If you choose to do a passphrase, the server will prompt for that passphrase. You’ll need to save three files once your key has been generated, it will also prompt about the passphrase.